Wednesday, January 16, 2013

 Legoland, CA
One of the highlights of our trip to California was getting to visit Legoland. Ben and Brenden collect Lego's and really like spending time together making things. So this was a big deal to them. Sarah, and Dylan totally loved it too. We went in as the gates were opening and stayed until almost close. Sarah was very excited that she was big enough to ride every ride. She loved the "big kid" roller coasters. She really liked the fast and scary rides. Brenden rode every ride, but Sarah is the daredevil of the family. It was amazing to see all the different things made out of Legos. We went to a workshop that you got to build cars and race them, and saw a 3-D movie. We went to an aquarium, and to the waterpark. The kids thought that the "family dryer" after the waterpark was awesome. The only downside was that Dylan was only tall enough to go on one ride. Lucky for us there was no line, so we rode it five times in a row, without getting off. Dylan loved just being outside with lots to see. He liked to read the map, well eat the map, and really liked all the snacks we brought.We had a really fun day. I hope that we can go again one day. The kids loved it, it was a fun day for everyone.

 The Family Dryer, it was really nice not to have to walk around with wet kids. Dylan was a little scared, but since Daddy was having a good time, it must be alright.


  1. That's a whole lot of legos. It's amazing all the things they can make with them. It takes me an hour to make a tiny little car. Such fun pictures. I think my fav. was of the family dryer.. lol ... Ben looks like he's having such a good time. :) Fun updates, Jewlz.

  2. Well Lego Land looks like way more fun than I imagined it to be. I'm glad that the kids loved it so much--I'm more of a Disney girl myself. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun in California!


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