Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Toquerville Falls

Aaron just got his truck fixed and wanted to take it on a good ride, so we went to toquerville falls with all the dogs. It was a really pretty drive, on some pretty rough roads. Dylan fell asleep as soon as we hit the rough dirt road. There was some ice that the boys tried to break throwing rocks at it. Guess that never gets old, throwing rocks. lol. The dogs had a really good time running around. Shadow almost went over the second fall while he was trying to cross the river in front of it. Jessi spent a lot of time yelling at her dog to get out of the water. It was a little bit cold so Dylan spent all his time inside my jacket. We had a great time, thanks Jenny and Aaron.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A few times each year we go to Ethel M's. Chocolate Factory and Cactus Garden. Christmas time is my favorite time to go, they put lights all over, and it looks so pretty. Dylan loved it, he would have been fine staying all night. It was a really fun night out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had such a great Christmas this year. We drove to Utah for Christmas Eve to spend time with my family. We had a such a fun time. We had a game night and played texas hold em. Ben and I were out really quick, I think he had a hard time not playing with phase cards. We went to Toquerville falls with Jenny and Aaron, Justin and Jess, and all the dogs. It was a nice day, the dogs had a great time, and were all worn out. Then we came home and got ready for Christmas morning.

I was really excited for our first real Christmas together. It was even more exciting that we had a fireplace to hang our stockings. Dylan and I woke up Ben at 7:30 and we went in the living room and got to open presents.

It was a really fun first Christmas. Ben got me a gun, a Glock 27 with a gun belt, and ammo. I got him a movie style popcorn maker, and nerf gun. He got a remote control helicopter, and we got a sweet picture frame with our name spelled out. He got saddle bags for his bike, and we got a humidifier. That's been so nice this last month. Dylan got a bouncer, and a lot of other toys, and two outfits. The dogs got a fun shuffle board game that you hide treats in, and some other toys and treats. We had a great Christmas this year. Thanks everyone that shared it with us.

Dylan has had a cold and cough for the last month, and has been teething for the last three weeks. They have been really hard on all of us, no one was sleeping well. Last week he got two top teeth in and it looks like the bottom will be coming in anytime. I sure hope they come in soon. It's been hard having an upset little guy for so long. Nights seem to be the worst, most of the time I put on the baby carrier and do a lot of pacing until he falls asleep.

We had to say goodbye to Ben for the next few months, it was so hard coming home today after taking him to the airport. I don't know how a house can feel empty with three dogs and a baby, it's just not the same without Ben. Things livened up when Dylan woke up from his nap. We're going to miss him a lot.

We had an amazing thing happen last night...Dylan slept for four and a half hours last night. I didn't think it would ever happen for us. lol. Hope that it will keep up.

I'm going to be playing catch up, and see if I can get the last month up to date.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I've been so bad about writing lately. I'm so behind and don't have a lot of time to catch up right now. Dylan is teething, and it feels like the world has ended, no one is sleeping. Ben is going to be deploying soon, so I'm going to spend my extra time with him and play catch up with the blog soon. I have so many pictures to post, we have been busy. Thanks for your patience.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers