Saturday, February 2, 2013

 Moving Day!

 We have been living in a two bedroom condo for a few years. At first it worked out really well for us, and it was nice to have to have access to a pool. In the summer when we would have Sarah and Brenden we had way to many people. So we started looking for a new place. We wanted to stay around the air force base to make it easy for Ben to get to work. There were some scary neighborhoods that we looked at first. Most of the houses didn't have much of a yard, and that was a priority for us. Then we found this house. It was a mile from the condo, and close to the mountain and dog park. It had three bedrooms, and a two car garage. It had a big backyard and would be perfect for the dogs to play. We got all the paperwork signed and got ready to move. Moving with a year old baby, is such hard work. I don't think I've ever been so sympathetic to my sister. She's moved twice in the middle of the summer while she was very pregnant, and had other very young kids. I don't know how she did it. Dylan was excellent at unpacking or packing boxes, just not the way that I was trying to do it. Once we got to the new house his new favorite game was getting an empty box, filling it up, moving it somewhere and dumping it out. Pretty fun game. It's been so nice having a bigger house, and being moved in. Thanks to everyone that helped.

 The backyard needs some work, but it's so nice just letting the dogs out the door. Dylan likes playing outside too.

Playing his favorite new game, moving day.

 11 months old,
and such a troublemaker!

 The word of the month is naughty. Dylan is into everything now. He is crawling and walking a little, but is into everything. He's usually pretty loud, and if he's quiet I know that he's up to something. It's amazing how much he can be into in just a few minutes. It must be because he's so talented. We have been more stressed out then normal because we decided it was time to move into something bigger. Our two bedroom condo wasn't cutting it anymore. We have one room that is just always cluttered because we don't have a spot for everything. I think that this summer with Brenden and Sarah here just made it more apparent that we need more room. Dylan loves to be outside and is out the dog door as often as he can. When we have his swim pool out there he likes to climb the rails of the balcony and then jump into his pool. He has no fear, and I think he likes to scare his mama. He can be such a sweet little guy, and is always ready with a big grin.

 I think this is about the worst place I can think of for a naked baby to be. Sitting in a drawer of clean clothes.


Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers