Saturday, February 25, 2012

Things I’ve learned:

If your wearing something cute the baby is going to throw up on you.

If he's wearing something cute he's going to throw up on both of you.

The doctor and books say your baby is going to sleep a lot, don’t believe them.

When washing bibs close the velcro, it will snag your shirts and make them look worn out.

Timing is important when your baby is pooping, too early you have to change him twice, too late and it’s up his back and in all his clothes.

If your baby is in something where he’s jumping up and down always assume that he is going to be covered in poop.

Baby food is hard to to get out of eyebrows, it’s better to clean it off when it’s wet. Baby rice hardens like cement.

No matter what mood you are in, if your baby smiles at you, it makes your day.

The best time of day is when daddy comes home.

Throw diapers away as soon as you can, or the dog hides them.

A relaxing bath when your trying to get your baby to settle down before bed doesn’t work if your baby thinks baths are for swimming.

Sometimes you just need to talk to your mom.

Johnny jump ups are worth their weight in gold.

Fingernails are hard to cut, best to do it while baby is asleep. Make sure it’s a deep sleep, otherwise he’s gonna wake up and be mad.

If your baby is sick nothing else matters.

Being a mom is the hardest, best job I've ever had.

Hockey Game

We love going to see the Wranglers play. I wasn't sure if we would be able to go very often with our new baby, but he is a true Wranglers fan. He loves all the lights and music, so much to see. He's been going since he was a few weeks old. He can be so tired but while the game is going on he tries so hard to stay awake. He almost always stays awake until we're walking to the car. He loves when his Dad dances him to the music. One of the games Uncle Darren took Dylan ice skating after the game and got a lot of the team to sign Dylan's outfit. It was a pretty fun night. Thanks, Uncle Darren.

Dylan is 6 months old!

Weight: 12 pounds 7 ounces
Height: 23 inches

Align Center

I can't believe that my baby boy is so old. In some ways it seems like he's been in our lives forever. He's getting to be such a big boy. He is starting to sit up, but you have to watch him he topples over pretty easy. He isn't scooting as much, as soon as you put him on his tummy he rolls over. He still scoots while he's laying on his back. When he gets mad he hits his right hand on his tummy. It's kind of funny, but that's his signal when's he serious. At night when he's starting to wake up that's how I know that he's ready to eat, other times I can talk to him and pat his belly and he goes back to sleep. He's sleeping much better at night, and takes a morning nap, and an afternoon nap. He doesn't have his teeth yet, we think it should be anytime. He giggles a lot, and can go from being happy to crying in two seconds. His favorite things right now are his daddy book, a story with his dad's voice on it. We listen to it six to eight times a day, always before naps and bedtime, and then just for fun through out the day. He loves his johnny jump up. That is the favorite toy right now. He is a little jumper. While people are holding him he likes to jump in their laps. He thinks that he should be standing up and walking. He likes people to hold him so that he can see everything. We have been staying at Grandpa and Grandma's house while Ben is gone, and he has had a great time getting to know them better. He loves when Justin takes him for walks around the house. Jessi and Jenny have been teaching him how to text, and he sits in their laps with his phone, while they play on their phones. He loves going in his stroller to pick up Grandma from work and walk her home. He loves to see daddy on the computer on skype. When he's fussy I play some of the voice messages on my phone and let him listen to his Daddy talk. He likes that a lot. He has been loving eating vegetables, and loves sitting in his high chair. He still loves bath time. I'm excited to take him swimming some day, I think that he's going to love it. I was a little swimmer baby, and think that Dylan is too. He is a pretty happy boy, and we're so happy to have him in our lives.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sitting In A High Chair
Words: Martha Cheney and Hap Palmer / Music: Traditional

Sittin' in a high chair, big chair, my chair
Sittin' in a high chair, bang my spoon!
Sittin' in a high chair, big chair, my chair
Sittin' in a high chair, feed me soon.

Bring on the carrots, bring on the peas
Mama come serve this baby please
Bring on the pancakes stacked in a pile
Papa's gonna make this baby smile

Repeat Chorus

Bring on a napkin, bring on a sponge
Clean me up 'cause I'm all done

Dylan's doctor wanted him to wait until he was six months old to start solids. He had had a little rice cereal before that, but not any of the fun foods. We started with rice cereal, and rice cereal crackers. He didn't really like the rice cereal, he liked the rice cracker. He didn't always get it into his mouth very well at first. We started with steamed pea's, and they were an instant favorite. He has to wait a few days before trying new vegetables. So far he's had pea's, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash. He really hates squash. That was the only vegetable that I didn't steam and puree, so I'll try that one again in a few weeks. I'm waiting to give him fruit and sugary things until he's a year. I want to make sure that he really likes his vegetables first. He has had graham crackers at Grandma's house, but since it's a cracker I guess it's okay. Dylan started with a big boy high chair, and it's way too big for him. So we got him a bumbo chair until he's big enough for the other. The bumbo chair is pretty cool. He loves to sit in it, and it's so portable he can really be part of the group. He likes to sit at the table at dinner time, and the counter when I'm doing dishes. He loves to be the center of attention.

The other new thing that's happened lately is that Dylan has learned how to sleep. I don't know if it's that his nervous system has finally caught up, we've been working on a sleep schedule, eating solids, or his teething necklace. Whatever it is, or the combination of everything, it's working so well. He has been falling asleep by eight every night, and waking up around seven or eight in the morning. He still wakes up twice a night to eat, but is doing so well. He's taking two to three naps a day as well. It's a miracle, I didn't think the day would ever come when Dylan would sleep at night.

Our friends recommended a teething necklace after seeing how bad Dylan's teething was. We had tried every product on the market, without seeing really any relief. Our dog ate a tube of baby oragel, and it looked like it worked for him. With all the licking, his nose and everything he could reach with his tongue was numb. Nothing was working for Dylan though. Here is more information about the teething necklace. I've been so impressed with it. I don't think that Dylan will be taking it off any time soon.

Baltic amber teething necklaces and bracelets for children are attractive to wear and ideal to provide natural pain relief and soothing analgesic support during teething. Our Baltic amber necklaces and bracelets are beautifully made, comfortable, lightweight, and radiate energies of peace and calm as well as natural pain relief for the wearer. Wearing the teething necklace will help boost your child’s immune system, reduce inflammation and accelerate healing as teething progresses. Amber teething necklaces have been a source of traditional healing passed on for many generations and are widely used and treasured throughout Europe and the Far East as unparalleled alternative medicine with proven health benefits.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers