Friday, October 28, 2011

I've been choosing time with my husband and sleep before writing. I have a lot of pictures to post and will try to get it done this week.

It's so hard getting out of the house with a baby. I thought that dogs were a pain, but a baby is so much harder. They're not bad once we're out of the house, but getting out takes about forty minutes on a good day, yesterday was not. Ben hurt his back and has been on some pretty good medicine, the kind that you can't drive while taking. I was on my way to pick him up from work and while strapping Dylan in his car seat he throws up all over himself, the seat, and me. It took another ten minutes to get both of us changed. The next time we're getting ready he starts peeing as I'm changing his diaper, I put the top of the diaper back up to stop the flow. I get a new diaper under him, clean him up and put baby powder in his clean diaper. Then he starts peeing again, a huge stream this time, guess he was saving it, and just tricking me before. I'm grabbing wet wipes to clean up the couch and Dylan grabs the diaper and starts flinging powder everywhere. It got all over the couch and made a paste with the pee. I'm so happy he didn't pee on me though. Boys are fun. lol.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I was missing Ben, so I played dress the baby in his daddy's clothes. We had a good time, and did get a few good pictures.

Well it's 1:30 AM, and I just got Dylan to sleep. He's going to be up in an hour to eat, and it's not worth trying to sleep for an hour.
This morning around ten the power went off. I had just gotten back from the gym, and thought it was a pain, but at least it's not 110 outside. I wasn't using the air condition anyway, just fans. Then I got ready to take a shower and we didn't have any water either. I thought it would be one of those quick fixes, but it's in the middle of the night, and still no water. I took the dogs to the park, and then took them on a walk, went back home and still no power or water. I was going to have Darren and Sierra over for massages, and let them know that my house wasn't going to work out. Sierra saved the day, and let me come play at her house. She is going to be taking infant pictures this weekend, so we wanted to try some things with Dylan. He didn't like that idea, he was pretty happy until the camera came out. He loves Sierra, but as soon as she tries to take pictures he cries. Such a trouble maker. We got home just after 11:00 and there was a plumbers truck in my parking spot. Not a good sign. There were six plumbers working, and big holes in the lawn. They said that they would hopefully turn water on in the morning for an hour, then it would be off most of the day. Power would be on and off. It's a pretty big problem and could be a few days before it's fixed. I love that Vegas is a 24 hour town, it's nice that plumbers work all night. Guess I'll shower at the gym tomorrow. Looking back it really wasn't that bad of of day. It turned out pretty fun, it was nice to be outside a lot of the day, and then fun playing at our friends house. Baby's awake and hungry, then it's bedtime for both of us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

We just had Dylan's two month check up. He gained some weight, and is now 7 pounds 2 ounces. That puts him in the 10% instead of 2% for body weight. It was a proud moment, our little boy is growing up. He's 20 inches long, and in the 52% for his head size. I can't believe how big he is now, it seems he was four and five pounds for ages. Well I guess six weeks is a long time. He's out of most of his preemie outfits, although newborn clothes are still a little big. He doesn't sleep very much. Everyone told us that he would sleep for around eighteen hours a day, that's never happened. He sleeps maybe three hours a day, and fights it so hard. His eyebrows will be lifted up so high trying to keep his eyes open, until he can't anymore, and then he sleeps for twenty minutes and is up again. Ben thinks it's just crazy and couldn't figure it out until I went to visit my mom and came back home so tired. He asked me why I didn't take a nap because the baby was up most of the night, I told him too much was going on and I didn't want to miss it. That's the reason our baby is the way he is...he's just like his mama. He doesn't want to miss anything. He had to get four shots at his doctor appointment, and it was so sad. Ben stepped up and held him down for his shots. I didn't like it at all, he cried so hard. The next day he had a fever and was really fussy. His little legs were swollen and really sensitive. The hardest thing about it was he got really constipated. He usually has about six to eight dirty diapers and he didn't have one for a day and a half. His face would turn red and he would push and push, and cry. I finally tried some pear juice today. He drank almost an ounce, he didn't really like it. An hour later he pooped, and it was so so gross. It was coming out of the top and both sides of his diaper. It was all over his clothes and his blanket. He was so happy, just kicking away, covered in poo. I was so close to cutting his clothes off, if they wouldn't have been cute clothes I would have, instead I had to pull them over his head. I put him right in the sink for a bath, and he was such a happy little guy. It was so gross, and I had to keep pushing Stetson out of the way, he would have loved to be covered in poo too. One more reason they are best friends. Anyway he is feeling much better now.

I'm so happy my first post had a poop story in it. lol.

Ben had to go for a training in Arizona for the next two weeks. It's not at all fun when he's gone. The night before he left he told me to think of something fun to do. A lady from church had called and invited me to the roadshow they were having. I'd been to one when I was 11, and remember it being really fun. Ben was such a good sport spending his last evening at home, going to a church event. He had to fast for something from his church, and was really hungry by the time we got there. We invited Darren and Sierra to go with us. The theme for the night was I hope they call me on a mission. There were three skits that were really funny, but the best part of the night was watching my  husband sitting through skits based on missionary work. He really is the best husband ever, it's times like these when I know how much he loves me. We went to Applebee's after, and Dylan threw up all over him. It turned out to be a really fun night out.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is our story

2 months old

Dylan just had his two month check up. He is doing so well. He's 7 pounds 2 ounces, and 10%, instead of 1% on body weight. He gained 1 1/2 pounds in just the last few weeks. It seems like he was 4 and 5 pounds for ages. He's like a real baby now. He's out of preemie clothes, and starting on newborn. Most of his clothes drown him, but it's nice to have him in newborn clothes. He had to have his shots and that was pretty hard. His dad is much braver than I am and held him. He cried a lot. The next few days were hard. He's had a fever, and his little legs are swollen and really sensitive. He wants to be held if he's awake, and he's so fussy. Shots are no fun.

Last night we went to the road show that our church was doing. The last time I saw a road show I was 11, and I remember it being so much fun. There was a dinner and you watched all the different wards do a skit. This was a little different, it was held at a church a few miles away, and there were a lot of people there. We invited Darren and Sierra to go with us, and met them there.  The funniest part for me was sitting with my husband, while we watched 10 skits on missionary work. I didn't know that the theme was I hope they call me on a mission. Ben is such a good sport. He had to fast that day, and hadn't eaten since the night before. Halfway through the show he ate the fruit snacks in the diaper bag, and made it until the end. There were a few skits that were really funny, it was a fun night out. We went to Applebee's after and Ben got to eat. Dylan threw up on him halfway through dinner. He's such a good dad, he got him cleaned up, and held him until he went back to sleep.

Today has been a hard day. Dylan is still not feeling well, and just wants to be held. Ben had to leave to go to train in Arizona for two weeks. It's never fun to have him gone. Here are a few of the highlights of the day, Ben flew over the house in the helicopter, and we got to see him leave. He called a few hours later to let us know that he made it, Dylan had been crying and his dad talked to him on the phone, and he instantly stopped crying. He sure loves his daddy. We went for a few walks, and sat outside for awhile. It's been rainy for the last few days, and was so nice out today. We can't wait to have Ben back home again.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers