Thursday, June 28, 2012

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Homecoming, 2012

Finally the day that we had been waiting for, Ben is coming home. Four months doesn't sound that long, but it's really almost five months with travel and delays. Five months is a very long time. Dylan was sick a lot, things in the house broke, and Randsom died. We had a lot of hard times. It wasn't such an easy deployment for any of us. We have some amazing friends and family the helped us so much. Skype was amazing, first time that we've used that. We loved being able to talk with Ben and to see him. Dylan always recognized his daddy. Well except for the day that he was wearing a hat.We also could text and e-mail. The phones weren't working as well this time, so we didn't get to talk on the phone very often. It was a long time to be apart and we are so happy to have Ben back home.

Ben was flying into the base and we were so excited that day to get to go pick him up. The first phone call that I got with his phone on the caller id was so exciting. It meant that he was back in the US. We got to talk for half hour and we were so excited that in a few hours we would be able to see him in real life. We got to the base and waited and waited. It was right during Dylan's nap time and he got pretty grouchy. He wouldn't ever close his eyes, even though he was so very tired.  Even while having his bottle, his eyes would close a little and then he would shake himself awake. Crazy little boy, he just never wants to miss anything. It was so exciting to see Ben's plane fly into the base, it made it so hard to wait. It was pretty funny watching the crowd as the plane landed. Everyone's phones went off about the same time with texts that they had just landed. It took ages while the plane taxied in, and then stopped just across from us at the airport. It took so long for the buses to get there and get everyone loaded. It was so exciting to watch the buses getting closer and then to see Ben get off. Homecomings are always so emotional and exciting. It was the best feeling in the world to be back in his arms again. That's my favorite place to be. It was fun getting to see Dylan see his Daddy again. There was no hesitation, he jumped right into his arms. Even though he's just a little guy, he remembered his Daddy. We love having Ben back home.



Saturday, June 2, 2012

 Ben is coming home soon, so we've been trying to stay busy. It's been hot is Vegas, 107 yesterday. Luckily Dylan has been waking up really early, so we get to the park before it's really bad outside. Dylan loves watching his puppies play ball. He really loves his puppy Stetson. I remember watching Becky's twins work together to solve problems, and these two have the same mindset. Yesterday Dylan got on the couch with Stetson's help. It is funny to watch them roll around on the floor together. Dylan loves splashing in the dogs water dish, and today was almost out the dog door. They are so much more naughty together. lol. They love to share crackers and other snacks. We wash hands a lot at our house.

 We planted flowers today. They were on sale at the store, I'm sure because its too hot for them, and they're going to die soon. We had fun planting them and they are so pretty right now.

 I stripped Dylan down to his diaper, put him on a towel with a few bowls of water and he played for a long time. He loves playing in water. It was nice to get something done without him being in the middle of it making a mess.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers