Saturday, April 13, 2013

1 year old!

 12 months old
It's so hard to believe that my little tiny baby is a year old. I think the best word to describe this year is, exhausted. Dylan is such a little character. He loves being around other people and is the life of the party. He is walking a little, but would rather crawl since its so much faster. He's not talking very much yet. He's really good at pointing and grunting, it always gets him what he wants so he doesn't need to talk yet. He has loved having his brother and sister here for the summer. He loves his big brother Brenden and always wants to be doing what he's doing. He's not sleeping well at night, and still has to eat every few hours day or night. His night time schedule is go to sleep at 7:00, and wakes up for a bottle at 11:00, 2:00, and 5:30. He wakes up for the day around 6:30-7:00. He's still on the small size and wearing six to nine month clothes. He loves reading books, and playing games. He likes blocks and playing with pots and pans. He likes to be really loud, he has such a loud scream that he does for fun. He is really good at understanding, even though he's not talking yet. He's getting good at finding his nose, ears, and eyes. He likes to point them out for everyone that's around. He makes me laugh so many times a day. He's such a sweet boy. We love him so much!

  looking back on his first year...


Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers