Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dylan asleep in his jumper, he keeps waking himself to keep jumping.

is here. We're so excited that
it's started to warm up, and still
isn't hot yet. We went to an Easter egg
hunt at Nellis a few days ago. Dylan
had a really fun day, he loves being outside.
When it was his turn I put him on his tummy
in front of an egg, and he reached out and got it.
He spent the rest of the day trying to fit it in his mouth.

The dogs are loving spending time
outside, and that our tree is full of
blossoms and bee's. No pictures of
Randsom, he was naughty and had
to go inside. So he didn't get to play.

Just time for a quick nap before the hockey game.

Wranglers Hockey
Out with our friends.

We have had such a rough few days. Dylan has had the stomach flu, which has included diarrhea, the kind that always gets out of the diaper, and been throwing up. Throw up is gross always but when one minute your cuddling your little sick baby and the next covered in it, it's just such a surprise. There is just no warning at all. We have had so much laundry the last few days. The first day I changed his clothes seven times, and mine five times. He threw up in both of our beds, and the amount of laundry I've done, and still have to do is crazy. When he's sick he just wants to be held and cuddled, and I love to just cuddle my usually squirmy baby, i just can't get anything done when your holding a baby all the time. On top of all that Stetson has an ear infection, so I'm putting a solution in his ear a few times a day and cleaning out gross smelly earwax. It's just been a nasty gross week. The dogs have been tired of being stuck inside, so they have been barking at everything they hear outside. There are a group of kids that play ball outside our balcony and just drive the dogs crazy every afternoon. It seems it's always when I finally get Dylan to sleep, that the dogs bark and wake him up. Dylan will only sleep if he's in my arms, or laying next to me. All he wants to do is nurse, and then he throws up. It's a terrible cycle. We are both so exhausted. I took him to the Doctor because he's just having such a hard time getting over this. With all his clothes on he almost weighs 14lbs. Not bad for being almost eight months old. lol. He was so happy at the Doctors office, I'm sure she was wondering why we came. She said to give him some rice cereal, and apple juice mixed with water. My mom gave me the same advice the day before. Well today he's feeling better, and I have so much stuff to do, but I don't want to, so I'm updating the blog. lol.

No matter what's going on a bath makes everything feel better.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bark In The Park, 2012

We had a great time at bark in the park this
year. Randsom was in the demo on flyball, and
his brothers came for fun. Stetson was in the dog
trick contest, and Maverick just hung out and
watched all the other dogs. Our team did really
well doing Frisbee, we have a Frisbee competition that
we're hosting coming up so it was good practice. Dylan was
great all day except for when it was time to do flyball with
Randsom, then he started screaming. Luckily we had some
friends that helped with him. I don't know how I could
ever handle three dogs, kennels, and Dylan with his stuff
without a lot of help. I'm so lucky to have good friends.

Dylan has figured out that he always wears socks and with his feet up in the air he can pull them off and wave them around. Today he was laying on the floor with his feet up in the air pulling at his sock. He was having trouble pulling it off and getting frustrated. Stetson after watching, gently pulls the sock off and drops it on Dylan's tummy. They are such good friends.
are the newest, funnest thing at our house.
Dylan will spend ages looking at his toes, pulling
at them, trying to get them in his mouth, and kicking
his feet. He's pretty flexible, and can get almost get
his toes in his mouth. He has been a little roly poly
lately, and has been spending time on his tummy and
rolling all over the place. We made a "play pen" on the
floor where the dogs can't get him, and it stays clean.
He looks quite spoiled with all his toys lined up around
him to create a dog barrier. He has been scooting all over
the place, but still isn't scooting on his tummy.
When he wants to move he rolls to his back and kicks off
the floor with his feet. He looks like a little inch worm.
Every few minutes he switches to his tummy so he can
get a good look around, then back to his back so he can
start moving again. He's still rubbing off his hair, so one
more reason for all the hats. lol. I think he'll be scooting
on his tummy soon, right now he's still bringing his feet
off the floor when he's kicking, so he can't go anywhere.
He's getting up on his knee's so he might be crawling
before he's scooting on his tummy. He spends a lot of time
with a hand in front of his face, moving it slowly, like he can't
believe he's the one moving it. He's doing really good at
entertaining himself, but if he notices I'm not in the room
anymore, he starts yelling. Can't wait for him to start saying
da da, cause all I hear right now is MA!! He doesn't seem to
like it quiet, or if it is loud he considers it a challenge to be
the loudest in the room. When he makes a really loud noise
he looks so proud of himself. Can't believe we were ever
worried about his lungs being developed. lol.

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers