Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bark In The Park, 2012

We had a great time at bark in the park this
year. Randsom was in the demo on flyball, and
his brothers came for fun. Stetson was in the dog
trick contest, and Maverick just hung out and
watched all the other dogs. Our team did really
well doing Frisbee, we have a Frisbee competition that
we're hosting coming up so it was good practice. Dylan was
great all day except for when it was time to do flyball with
Randsom, then he started screaming. Luckily we had some
friends that helped with him. I don't know how I could
ever handle three dogs, kennels, and Dylan with his stuff
without a lot of help. I'm so lucky to have good friends.


  1. That kid has the spunkiest smile. I love it. You can't help but smile back.

  2. It looks like he LOVED the Dogs in the Park. That is the happiest smile I've ever seen. I'm glad you are updating your blog!


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