Thursday, November 28, 2013

Spring time!

 Get prepared for a picture overload. I can't decided which ones are the cutest, so I'm posting most of them. We planted some flowers and are so excited for some warm weather. Dylan is a little poser, and we took a lot of springtime pictures. We love springtime!

 Dylan's best friends came to the park with us and we got some cute spring pictures with them. We have moved away from them, and it's really sad not to be able to play with them. We love and miss their family. Dinners and game nights just aren't the same.

 Some of our favorite videos

 January and Febuary
We had a pretty fun winter when Dylan wasn't sick. He got a lawn mower from a thrift store and it was his constant companion. In fact one of my most embarrassing moments happened with his lawn mower. We were going to the doctors office and the rule is the lawn mower can go with him in the car, but has to stay in the car. I did say constant companion. Dylan had been sick and was still pretty grumpy. He wanted to take his lawn mower in with him to the doctors office. I told him no, and we did that back and forth for awhile. Both of his hands were holding onto the handle with a death grip. We were going to be late so I was trying to pry his fingers off his lawn mower, while we were yelling back and forth. This was not a proud moment as a mother. I got him out and he slammed the door shut and hit my leg. I knew right away that the keys were still in there, and sure enough the car was locked. Ben was out of town. Luckily Justin wasn't at work, and ran over to my house to get the spare set. He explained the situation to the guards at the base, and they let him though. Pretty rough day though. Thanks so much Justin, for saving us. I'm not sure what we would have done without you.

 We love Uncle Justin!
Justin lives close by, and its so fun to have him come over to play. He spends a lot of time with Dylan, and Dylan loves his Uncle Justin. It's so fun to go out on walks together.

 All worn out after a long day of playing hard.

One of Dylan's favorite things to do were watch for the garbage man. He loves when they come with their big trucks.

 Help Mom! I'm stuck!

 Are cookies really worth the mess? Yep, they are cause then Dylan gets to have to a bath. He loves taking a bath.

 I love my Uncle Justin!

 Going to the store with mama.

 Dylan loves when Justin comes and we get to go hiking! I love having tired dogs!

 Sick baby, double ear infections and pneumonia.

Time to watch Pooh Bear

18 months old and into everything!

 Grandma's house!

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers