Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dylan has had a cold and cough for the last month, and has been teething for the last three weeks. They have been really hard on all of us, no one was sleeping well. Last week he got two top teeth in and it looks like the bottom will be coming in anytime. I sure hope they come in soon. It's been hard having an upset little guy for so long. Nights seem to be the worst, most of the time I put on the baby carrier and do a lot of pacing until he falls asleep.

We had to say goodbye to Ben for the next few months, it was so hard coming home today after taking him to the airport. I don't know how a house can feel empty with three dogs and a baby, it's just not the same without Ben. Things livened up when Dylan woke up from his nap. We're going to miss him a lot.

We had an amazing thing happen last night...Dylan slept for four and a half hours last night. I didn't think it would ever happen for us. lol. Hope that it will keep up.

I'm going to be playing catch up, and see if I can get the last month up to date.

1 comment:

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers