Friday, December 30, 2011

Dylan just had his four month check up. He is doing really well. He in now 10 pounds 7 ounces, and is 23 inches long. He is 6% for weight, and 11% for height. He's quite grown up. I asked the doctor what I can do about him sleeping better, she said that some babies just don't need as much sleep. We're just lucky we got one of those. lol.

Hanging out with Daddy

He had to get his shots, and was such a big kid. He cried, then stopped as soon as I picked him up. He had a little fever that evening, and was fussy. His fever kept getting higher, so I took him to the ER at 1 am. His fever was 101.8 when we got there, and went up to 102.2, even with taking Tylenol. The ER doctor woke up a pediatrician at 4 am, and he came in and looked at Dylan. He gave him some ibuprofen, even though he's still too little, and his fever started to go down. He said it was just a bad reaction to the shots. We got home at 5:30, and the next day his fever was gone. I hope that his six month shots go better.

Taking a nap with Daddy when he wasn't feeling good.

Reading stories with Grandma Becky

1 comment:

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers